
Don't be afraid of ghosts.

Do you fear the spirit world? Is that fear justified? THE GHOST PHENOMENON has become so closely associated with the instinct of fear that it's almost a given that, if asked, most people would admit that of course they would be frightened if they encountered an apparition. Even many seasoned ghost investigators have been known to run like scared rabbits when they see or even hear something unexpected. Why? Have ghosts really earned the reputation of being harmful to humans? If you were walking unarmed in a dense tropical jungle that you know is inhabited by tigers and large snakes, you'd undoubtedly be petrified. The threat to your life and well-being is quite real and your fears justified. Tigers and snakes can and do kill. Now place yourself alone at night in a house that has the reputation for being haunted. Most people would probably experience the same fear. Yet, according to most authorities on the subject, the fear is not justified. Ghosts, by and large, are harmle

10 Cursed Objects That Exists In Real

1. “Little Bastard” A photo of James Dean posing with his cursed car, Little Bastard.  Source:  Jalopnik “Little Bastard” is the name of the car of famous actor James Dean. He was in love with his 1955 Porsche Spyder and even had it extensively customized so people knew it was his. You would think that a car that was cared for so greatly and loved so much by James Dean would not be cursed, right? Wrong. According to Sir Alec Guinness, when he met Dean for lunch one day, he said that, “if anyone were to get into that car, they would be found dead in it by this time next week”. If only people listened to him because unfortunately, that is exactly where James Dean was found. It was creepy enough that Sir Alec Guinness said that about Dean’s car and that Dean really was found dead in it, but the creepiness escalates about this cursed car. As the car was being worked on in a mechanic shop after the wreck, it fell on one of the mechanics and crushed both of his legs. And somehow, the c

Worlds most dangerous spiritual being: Demons

Demonic Spirits . They are more than you think. Demonic spirits.There is a particular class of demons that attack advanced believers. To identify them requires great humility and discerning of spirits. This class of demons attacks those that have been in church and ministry a long while. These beasts are extremely dangerous. They manifest spiritual pride, religious ambition, false prophetic visions, and bizarre notions. Those influenced by them get involved in strange and foolish things. Maybe you have seen some outlandish spiritual things that seem totally out of place.  These dangerous spirits are religious demons of unholy and corrupted character. These demons hunt advanced believers that are gifted by the Holy Spirit. Perhaps you have seen people with great gifts of God, but with terrible character. In the local church, they appear to be anointed by the Holy Spirit, but outside the church they lie, cheat, gossip, steal, and don’t pay their bills. They are loving in the church an

Types of ghosts in Bengali culture.

Ghosts are an important part of the  folklore , and form an integral part of the socio-cultural beliefs of the people living in the geographical and ethno-linguistic region of  Bengal , which today consists of the independent nation of  Bangladesh , and the Indian states of  West Bengal .  Fairy tales , both old and new, often use the concept of  ghosts . In modern-day  Bengali literature , cinema and also in radio & television media, the references to ghosts are often found. There are also many alleged haunted sites in this region. It is believed that the spirits of those who cannot find peace in the afterlife or die unnatural deaths remain on Earth. The common word for ghosts in Bengali is  bhoot  or bhut ( Bengali : ভূত). This word has an alternative meaning: 'past' in Bengali. Also, the word  Pret  (derived from Sanskrit 'Preta') is used in Bengali to mean ghost. In Bengal, ghosts are believed to be the spirit after death of an unsatisfied human being or a soul

Worlds top 10 haunted places

1.   Myrtles Plantation, USA Rumoured to be built on the site of an ancient Indian burial ground, the Myrtles Plantation has been dubbed ‘one of America’s most haunted homes’. Legend has it that 10 murders have occurred in the house. The ghost of a former slave in a green turban has been sighted, as well as a haunted mirror which supposedly holds the ghosts of Sara Woodruff and her children who previously lived in the house. Equally as spooky is the apparition of William Winter, who was reportedly shot on the front porch. His ghost, writhing in agony from the gunshot wound, has been sighted crawling up the stairs and disappearing into thin air at the 17 th  step…spooky enough?! 2.   The Tolbooth, Aberdeen, UK The Tolbooth in Aberdeen has a dark past, first as a prison to house members of the Jacobite revolution in the mid-1700s, and then to hold kidnapped children who were sold into slavery in the American colonies. Among the stories of paranormal activity are the sounds of rattlin

Different Types of spiritual beings.

What Are Angels? The First Beings Created by God It's appropriate that we start our discussion with angels, because, in the Christian understanding of Creation, angels are the first beings created by God. God Himself, of course, is uncreated; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have always existed, from eternity to eternity. But the angels were created by God, and with the creation of the angels, time began. Saint Augustine, in a metaphor, says that time is measured by the beating of angels' wings, which is simply another way of saying that time and creation go hand in hand. God is unchanging, but creation changes through time. God's Messengers Angels are purely spiritual beings; they have no physical body. The word angel means "messenger," and these spiritual beings are called angels because, throughout human history, God has sent some of them to deliver messages to mankind. The angel Gabriel appeared to the Blessed Virgin Mary to  announce the good news  that God